Saturday, February 19, 2011

S Lounge

This is going out to our 2 followers not counting my mom :)
Our show at S Lounge went well.  The show was last minute as the band that was supposed to play cancelled only hours before the show.  Cody and Mike missed it as they were already headed to the valley, however, Jonathan Germann and his twin brother Jason stepped up to the drums and bass and filled in rather perfectly not to mention it was their birthday too!!!  We kept our sets on the acoustic / jazz side of things as the audience seemed to dig that style.  Joel Kachel and his music blended well with the recent additions to the Third Wheel Project.  I had the stage set up with the piano on stage right with a single conga on its stand to my left.  To my right was my mac book pro which i had logic pro set up and running projects that we have been working on in the studio recordings to act as backing tracks.  Drums sat in the back right with the bass just behind me.  Lead guitar sat to my left leaving just enough room on the stage for 4 beers!  It was a tight fit but we made it work! The sound at S Lounge was nice! It is always a plus to walk into a venue that has a sound system in place! Props!  We will be back at S Lounge tonight rolling through our acoustic sets!
Today we have planned a sit down interview with a reporter from the Anchorage Press publication.  We hope to get a article on our shows and what TWP is to our community.  Time for another cup of coffee :)

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